Wednesday News - Issue 19

The latest edition of Dóchas' Wednesday News including information on upcoming events and workshops, as well as vacancies and opportunities in the sector!
15 May 2024
Dóchas News
(1) Dóchas Conference and 50th Anniversary Celebration - Recordings Available
Dóchas’ 2024 Annual Conference; 'Dóchas at 50: Sustainable Development in a Time of Climate Crisis’ was be held on Thursday 9 May at Royal College of Physicians, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. This year we celebrated five decades of collaboration amongst International development and humanitarian organisations in Ireland, and our collective vision for a just, equal and sustainable world.
We would like to thank all those who attended and contributed to the day. For those who missed the conference, recordings of the panel discussions as well as President Michael D. Higgins keynote speech, will be available on the Dóchas website in the coming days.
Forthcoming Events
(1) Boardmatch Charity Trustee Speed-dating Event - 23 May
Boardmatch are hosting their signature Charity Trustee Speed-Dating event in the Clayton Hotel in Cork on 23 May from 5.30-8pm. This event is a unique opportunity for charities with board vacancies to meet face-to-face with enthusiastic candidates who are looking to volunteer their time and skills by serving on a charity or not-for-profit board. Now in its fifth year, Boardmatch’s Trustee Speed-Dating event has facilitated over one hundred successful board matches. Tickets are €120 charities and €20 for candidates. Find out more here.
(2) National Women’s Council of Ireland: What We Can Do: Towards Feminist Climate Justice - 25 May
Come and join our event for girls and young women aged 16 – 35 to be inspired to take action on climate justice in your school, higher and further education, your community and online. You will hear from young women bringing about change in their specific arenas and sectors, how to take climate action as a young woman and understand the different processes for getting your voice heard. The event will have several excellent contributors, including organisations working within education, in local communities and at all-island levels towards climate action which tackles issues of inequality as well as saving the planet. There will be a mix of panel discussions, presentations, and interactive workshops. Register here.
(3) National Women’s Council: A Feminist Europe: Ireland South EU Candidate Hustings: 28 May
Come and meet the women running for European Parliament in Ireland South. This event is co-hosted by National Women's Council of Ireland and Women For Election. The event will take place on 28 May from 11:00- 12:30 at University College Cork. Register here.
Meetings, Seminars, Conferences & Workshops
(1) Global Village: Teach Meet: GCE in the Primary Classroom and Global Voices for Social Justice - 16th May
Our Teach Meet event will provide educators with valuable insights, resources, and practical strategies for integrating GCE themes into their classrooms. The event will be a blend of workshops and short presentations from a variety of NGOs and GCE practitioners including UNICEF, GOAL, Trócaire, Schools of Sanctuary, Irish Teachers for Palestine, PLAN, Self-Help Africa and Global Action Plan, followed by a resource fair. This will take place in Mary Immaculate College, South Circular Road, Limerick on 16 May from 9:45-15:00. This is a free event and the cost of substitute cover is provided. Register here.
(2) Workshop on Climate Decision Making in the European Union and Local Councils
Friends of the Earth, Oxfam, Concern Worldwide and the Union of Students in Ireland are organising a pair of workshops on climate decision making at the EU and local council level, geared towards young people (aged 18-30). The first session will take place on Wednesday 15 May at 19:00. This workshop will focus on better understanding how exactly local councils function and how the EU parliament functions and what kinds of climate decisions get made at these different levels. The second session will take place Tuesday 21 May at 19:00. This session will focus on exploring in more depth some of the most pressing climate issues that are present at both local and EU levels. Both sessions will take place online. Find out more and register here.
(3) VSI: Meetup and Workshop on Biodiversity
Join VSI at our May monthly meetup and workshop! The meetup will take place online, from 19:00 to 20:00, on Tuesday 28 May. This month's meetup is on the topic of biodiversity. We will hear from a conservation ranger working in Killarney National Park about biodiversity in the National Park and across Ireland and the challenges in this area, as well as discuss what we can do to combat biodiversity loss. Register here.
(4) Irish Global Health Network Conference 2024: Fostering Humanity: Promoting Health Equity for a Better Planet - 2 & 3 October
The Irish Global Health Network (IGHN) Biennial Conference 2024, co-hosted with RCSI Institute of Global Surgery, will be convened under the theme Fostering Humanity: Promoting Health Equity for a Better Planet. In a world marked by diversity and interconnectedness, the pursuit of global health equity demands a profound re-evaluation of our approaches. This conference emerges as a pivotal gathering point for thought leaders, practitioners, researchers, and advocates dedicated to reshaping the landscape of global health. This conference is a call to action, recognising the urgent need to foster a sense of shared humanity while dismantling colonial legacies in the realm of global health. By embracing a decolonised and more equitable perspective, participants will delve into innovative strategies, human-centric practices, and inclusive policies that strive for health equity on a global scale. Find out more here.
Situations Vacant-Paid Positions
(1) Oxfam Ireland: Vacancies in Ireland and Internationally
Oxfam Ireland is currently advertising vacancies for various roles. Find out more about these roles. Various closing dates apply.
(2) GOAL: Vacancies in Ireland and Internationally
GOAL is currently advertising vacancies for various roles in a number of countries. Find out more about these roles. Details for current invitations to tender for consultancies can be found here. Various closing dates apply.
(3) Concern Worldwide: Vacancies in Ireland and Internationally
Concern Worldwide is currently advertising vacancies for various roles in Ireland and internationally. Find out more about these roles. Various closing dates apply.
(4) Irish Red Cross: International Vacancies
The Irish Red Cross is currently advertising vacancies for various roles in a number of countries. Find out more about these roles. Various closing dates apply.
(5) Trócaire: Vacancies in Ireland and Internationally
Trócaire is currently advertising vacancies for various roles in a number of countries. Find out more about these roles. Various closing dates apply.
(6) Self Help Africa: Compliance Support Officer
This is a fascinating career opportunity to join a dynamic, growing not-for-profit organisation in a new role within the Risk and Compliance team. Working closely with the Risk and Compliance Manager, you will provide support to the Gorta Group entities including country programmes, be a trusted advisor and add value that will assist in key decision making. Critical to success is detail orientation as well as an ability to clearly communicate your message and deliver information in a timely and user friendly manner. Reporting to the Risk and Compliance Manager, you will play a supporting role in risk management, the development and maintenance of organisational policies and procedures and the promotion of a compliance culture and knowledge sharing throughout the organisation. Find out more here. Closing date: 16 May
(7) Misean Cara: Call for Tender
We are looking for a consultant to conduct a review of selected Misean Cara-funded projects providing education to forcibly displaced people. The aim of this review is to identify successful methods of including this growing, and particularly vulnerable, cohort of learners in different education settings. At the end of the review, a thematic learning report should provide a comprehensive overview of challenges in the inclusion of forcibly displaced learners and outline best practice examples of how to overcome these. The review will encompass five projects, implemented by four Misean Cara member organisations across five countries. Find out more here. Closing date: 19 May
(8) Meath Partnership Familiar Faces: Project Coordinator
Meath Partnership are currently recruiting for a Project Coordinator to set up and lead a new Befriending Service in County Meath. The service will support the successful integration of new arrivals to the county. The service will be complemented by education and training initiatives. Find out more here. Closing Date: 20 May
(9) IDEA: Call for Tender
The Irish Development Education Association (IDEA) is seeking a consultant to support its team in organising the Annual Conference and 20th Anniversary on Wednesday 4 September. This will include support in various areas as described in the Terms of References. For further information on the role and the application process please consult the website. Find out more here. Closing date: 20 May
(10) Irish Consortium on Gender Based Violence - Call for Tender
The Irish Consortium on Gender Based Violence is seeking Expressions of Interest to conduct desk-based research to find evidence of established and emerging good practice in Gender Based Violence (GBV) survivor-led accountability initiatives and practices across the prevention, mitigation and response trajectory. The purpose of the research is to inform policy and practice with evidence of established and emerging good practice in GBV survivor-led accountability initiatives across the prevention, mitigation and response trajectory. Find out more here. Closing date: 22 May
(11) Royal College of Surgeons Ireland Institute of Global Surgery: Education Programme Officer
“The RCSI Institute of Global Surgery (IGS) works to improve access to high-quality, essential surgical care for underserved populations.” The IGS are excited to advertise the role of Education Programme Officer.This role is an opportunity to get hands-on experience working across a number of different education and training projects that are making a difference worldwide - supporting surgical training institutions in low-resource settings, working on ambitious global open access medical education and simulation projects, and more. Find out more here. Closing date: 26 May
(12) Brighter Communities Worldwide: Operations Coordinator
Brighter Communities Worldwide are looking for a motivated and enthusiastic individual to take on the new role of Operations Co-Ordinator in Ireland. This role is to support the delivery of the activities and responsibilities of Brighter Communities Worldwide in Ireland in line with our strategic plan. This is an opportunity to join an organisation supporting partnerships that have evolved since 2002 and developed into programmes supporting a population of 910,777 people in North West Kenya. Find out more here. Closing date: Rolling basis
(13) ActionAid Ireland: Programme and Learning Co-ordinator
This is an exciting opportunity for an experienced programme advisor, with a strong understanding of monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) in development and humanitarian programming. You will have experience in working in complex contexts specifically on women’s rights, gender equality and or GBV. You will also have strong experience in ensuring high standards of programme quality and providing support on participatory, feminist, and adaptive MEL practices. You will be responsible for implementing a monitoring, evaluation and learning system for our multi-country Women’s Rights Programme III (2023-2027) in Nepal, Ethiopia and Kenya seeking to address gender-based violence. Please note that the position is subject to Irish Aid funding and will be terminated with one month notice period if the funding is not forthcoming. Find out more here. Closing date: 29 May
(14) Department of Foreign Affairs: Call for Tender
The EAU and the Africa Unit are conducting this review to gather feedback on experiences relevant Embassies and HQ on the recent approaches taken to Strategy evaluations. It is intended that the review will facilitate a preliminary assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of the approaches currently being applied, to promote learning and to make recommendations for further consideration by management. The outcomes will inform the revision of DFA’s Evaluation Manual planned for 2024 and any subsequent review of the Embassy Strategy Guidance document. Find out more here. Closing date: 30 May
(15) Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders: Digital Marketing Coordinator
The digital marketing team at MSF Ireland oversees all digital endeavours, including content creation, campaigns, platforms, and initiatives aimed at enhancing user engagement and experiences, ultimately driving increased donations, applications, and awareness. As the Digital Marketing Coordinator, the incumbent is tasked with implementing and refining a dynamic digital marketing strategy to optimise engagement and drive digital conversions aligned with fundraising, communication/advocacy, and HR objectives. With a primary focus on collaborating with the fundraising team, the role involves crafting digital elements to foster positive interactions with potential audiences and nurturing relationships with existing supporters. Given the consistent growth in online revenue in recent years, this position plays a pivotal role in sustaining and expanding this potential. Find out more here. Closing date: 31 May
(16) Christian Aid Ireland: Head of Programmes
Reporting to the CEO, the role is responsible for leading the direction, coordination and oversight of Christian Aid Ireland’s international programme portfolio, working in close collaboration with the Global Head of Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention. You will manage the Programme Unit (10 staff) and support and oversee the delivery of the International Programme Strategy, working closely with colleagues from country teams and across the organisation. As a member of Christian Aid Ireland’s senior management Leadership Team, you will also contribute to the strategic direction of the organisation, including developing corporate objectives, setting annual plans and targets, and inputting into decisions on the management and governance of Christian Aid Ireland. Find out more here. Closing date: 31 May
(17) Plan International: Programme Team Lead on Institutional and Multilateral Funding
The Programme Team Lead is a key management member of the Programmes Department leadership team of Plan International Ireland (PII). This Team is responsible for developing, growing and delivering Plan International Ireland’s grant portfolio. Reporting to the Head of Programmes and being based in Dublin, you will coordinate and oversee a small team dedicated to the strategic planning and management of an assigned donor project portfolio, ensuring good quality proposals and programme delivery along the project cycle. You will work closely with the other teams in the programmes department, Head of Programmes and other departments to ensure the overall effective continuity and strategic delivery of Plan Ireland’s strategic goals and visions. Find out more here. Closing date: 3 June
Situations Vacant – Internships and Volunteer Posts
(1) Friends of the Earth: Steering Committee Recruitment
Dublin Friends of the Earth is the local volunteer arm of Friends of the Earth Ireland. We campaign on environmental and climate issues and our membership comprises students, professionals, parents, and grandparents! We welcome applications to our steering group committee and are especially looking for people interested in using social media! Expected commitment of 2-4hrs/week maximum. To apply please email dublin(at) with the subject "Steering Committee Application" answering: Why you are interested in joining the Steering Committee, and What you would like to do or explore with Dublin FOE as a Steering Committee member. We expect no more than 200-300 words total. Feel free to include documents or links if these may support your application. Closing date: Rolling basis
Courses and Training
(1) Development Studies Association Ireland (DSAI): Summer School - 30 & 31 May
In collaboration with the European Association of Development Research & Training Institutes (EADI), DSA Ireland’s annual summer school will be hosted by Technological University of the Shannon (TUS). The theme is ‘Reflecting on Decolonial Development through an Indigenous and a Feminist Critical Lens’. It will be held over 2-days: 30 May online and 31 May in-person in Thurles. Connecting research, policy and practice, the programme will bring together international experts through interactive sessions to enhance the professional development of participants. Sharanya Nayak, an indigenous community activist from India will provide the keynote address. The summer school will adopt a field studies approach, with workshops taking place at a range of venues which resonate with the theme. Find out more and register here. Closing date for applications: 21 June
(2) STAND: Ideas Collective Summer Bootcamp - July - August 2024
Applications are open for the Ideas Collective, STAND’s summer bootcamp where students and recent graduates will learn the skills and techniques to shape their solutions for positive change. Over three weekends in July and August, they will delve into global issues and perspectives, examine their own values and purpose, and acquire tools in design thinking, as well as skills in pitching, presenting, communications, and marketing. The programme culminates in a Showcase in early September where participants get to pitch their idea to win seed funding. The full cost of the program is over €500, however, thanks to support from Irish Aid we can offer a highly subsidised rate for students and recent graduates. Find out more here.
(3) Crawford College of Art and Design: Creativity and Change Post-Graduate Certificate Course
The Creativity & Change post-graduate certificate course takes place at Crawford College of Art & Design in Cork City, one weekend per moth from September to May. Accredited by MTU at 20 level 9 ECTS credits, this course is for educators, changemakers, activists, artists, youth & community workers, adult educators, volunteers, and anyone who would like to bring creative global citizenship education and socially-engaged action to their communities. Participants will explore critical literacy and creative action through transformative processes like theatre, movement, street art, visual facilitation and Design Thinking, develop their skills as creative facilitators and design their own awareness-raising actions. Find out more and apply here.
Other Information
(1) National Youth Council of Ireland: 2024 One World Week Seed Fund
The 2024 One World Week Seed Fund applications in association with Irish Aid have launched! The fund is an exciting opportunity for youth organisations to explore an aspect of the Sustainable Development Goals, and to connect your work locally with issues, events and happenings globally. Project implementation should take place between 12 August - 20 October 2024. Successful applicants will receive a grant of up to €400 and free training with the Youth 2030 expert team to help you deliver a young person-centered project on issues relating to our global world. This funding is to support projects in the non-formal youth work education sector. Find out more and apply here. Closing date: 21 June
(2) Irish Global Health Network: Exclusive Interview with UNFPA’s Jacqueline Mahon
Welcome to this special edition podcast episode, in which we delve into the insights of UNFPA’s latest State of World Population report, “Interwoven Lives, Threads of Hope: Ending inequalities in sexual and reproductive health and rights.” Join us as we sit down for an exclusive interview with Jacqueline Mahon, Principal Advisor for International Development Finance at UNFPA, as she provides a comprehensive overview of the report’s key findings and its implications for global efforts to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). Listen here.
(3) WaterAid: Call for signatures
Along with WASH partner NGOs, we are launching a small action next week to target European election candidates to sign a pledge towards SDG6/ WASH in the next European Parliament, particularly in the context of climate change. As you may know, elections are 6-9 June. To find out more on the WaterAid Manifesto for Water 2024 click here. To sign the pledge follow this link.