Wednesday News - Issue 3 2025

Check out the latest edition of Dóchas' Wednesday News, a weekly newsletter sharing information, updates, and opportunities relating to the Irish international development and humanitarian sector! Each week we share details of upcoming events and workshops, employment and internship opportunities, trainings on offer, and much more.
22 Jan 2025
Dóchas News
(1) Vacancy - Head of Policy and Advocacy
The Head of Policy & Advocacy role is central to Dóchas’ strategy (2022-2026), with a particular focus on the Influence pillar – combining policy and advocacy expertise and the experience of members with convening power, to exert collective influence. This role is critical to maintain Dóchas’ reputation as an authoritative voice for the sector on key issues, facilitating dialogue and debate in the public domain. The recent changing political environment will accelerate the need to build political support for international development among MEPs, parliamentarians and other key stakeholders. The recruitment campaign for the role of Head of Policy & Advocacy is being managed exclusively on behalf of Dóchas by specialist, not-for-profit sector, recruitment consultancy CCI Executive Search. Find out more here. Closing date: 6 February
(2) Terms of Reference - Shared Island, Shared World, Shared Future: Enhancing cross-border learning and connection on Global Citizenship Education
Shared Island, Shared World, Shared Future is an initiative between Dóchas, the Irish network for international development and humanitarian organisations, CADA, the Coalition of Aid and Development organisations in Northern Ireland and IDEA, the Irish Development Education Association. Dóchas requires consultant(s) to coordinate and facilitate a series of workshops and events that aims to explore the obstacles/barriers to implementing an all-island vision for GCE due to different systems, policy environments, governance structures, and funding options and foster dialogue on GCE practice (i.e., how GCE can address the challenges facing people living throughout the island and support GCE practitioners). The IDEA CoGP will be the framework in which to create a structured dialogue in these areas. Find out more here. Closing date: 5 February.
(3) Dóchas Leadership Course 2025 - Pre-Course Briefing Session (Members only)
Dóchas is delighted to announce dates and invite applications from our members for the second iteration of a leadership initiative in partnership with UCD Innovation Academy. Based on UCD’s successful Professional Diploma in Creativity, Innovation and Leadership, this course is for leaders in the international development and humanitarian sector who want to learn about creative leadership and enabling change in your organisation and beyond. Taking place online, it is accessible to our members across different geographical locations. We will hold a short information session online at 2 pm, 24th of January with Jane-Ann McKenna, Dóchas CEO, Course Director Dr. Lollie Mancey from the UCD Innovation Academy, and Maria Kidney, Co-founder of Brighter Communities and graduate of the 2023 Leadership Course. The session will provide an overview of the course, and attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions. This session is for members only. If you would like to join us please register here. Find out more about the Leadership Course here.
Upcoming Events and Conferences
(1) Development Perspectives: (Dis)Placed: A Festival Exploring Displacement and Belonging - 23-26 January
Experience the power of Theatre of the Oppressed at (Dis)Placed, a festival delving into themes of land, identity, and solidarity. Through workshops, performances on the housing crisis, a play on Palestine, and a trip to the Battle of the Boyne, participants will explore global and local issues of displacement. This festival inspires community-driven action, fostering dialogue and connection to reclaim belonging. Find out more about the festival here. Events taking place as part of the festival:
- Opening Night & "Unhoused" on 23 January at 8pm in the Droichead Arts Centre. Find out more and register here.
- "Through the Roof" on 24 January at 7.30pm in the Drogheda Institute of Further Education. Find out more and register here.
- "The Weight of History" on 25 January at 7.30pm in the Glebe House, Boyne Valley. Find out more and register here.
(2) Concern Worldwide: Multiple events
Beyond Baku- A Post COP 29 Panel - 28 January
Join Concern for an in-person panel discussion as we unpack the outcomes, breakthroughs, and missed opportunities of COP29 on Tuesday January 28, from 5-8.30pm. From pledges on climate financing and adaptation to debates on fossil fuel phaseouts, we’ll examine the impact of this pivotal conference on global efforts to tackle the climate crisis. Find out more and register here.
Art, peace and conflict workshop - 5 February
On 5th February, Concern Worldwide are organising a guided tour of Brian Maguire's exhibition at the Hugh Lane Gallery, Dublin. This will be followed by a World Café Conversation focusing on the themes explored in his art work. This opportunity is open to students in third level institutions studying any course, but will be of particular interest to those studying or interested in peace, conflict, human rights and development. Find out more and register here.
Campaigning 101: Learning to Facilitate - 12-13 February
Want to lead conversations that inspire action? Then Join Concern for a workshop spread over 2 half-days on Wednesday, February 12 2-4.30 and Thursday, February 13th 2-4.30. This in person workshop is your guide to becoming a confident and effective facilitator. Whether it’s a group discussion or campaign planning meeting, you’ll learn to spark engagement, keep people on track, and create an atmosphere where everyone’s voice matters. Find out more and register here.
(3) Christian Aid: IPSC National March for Palestine - 25 January
The Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign, supported by over 150 Irish civil society organisations, has called another National Demonstration for Palestine on Saturday 25th January. The march will begin at the Garden of Remembrance at 1pm and finish outside the Dáil on Molesworth Street/Kildare Street to bring our demands to the Irish government’s doorstep. By 25th January there will likely be a new government in place, and we need to let them know that we are done with excuses – we want meaningful sanctions on Apartheid Israel, and we want them now! Find out more information here.
Upcoming Meetings, Seminars & Workshops
(1) Global Action Plan: Waste Colonialism: A CPD webinar for teachers - 17 February
This free teacher-training workshop will explore the topic of waste through the lens of global citizenship education (GCE). We will explore where our waste ends up and how and why it gets there. We will interrogate the concepts of sustainable consumption and recycling, and suggest actions schools can take to ethically manage their waste. This event will take place online on February 17 from 7-8.30pm. Funded by Irish Aid's WorldWise Global Schools. Find out more and register here.
(2) VSI: January Meetup: ‘Climate Justice and The Future of Our Food’ - 28 January
Join VSI for our January meetup and workshop, which takes place online on Tuesday 28th January at 19.00. This month we will be discussing the impacts climate change has on food security, and explore how collective action can help ensure access to nutritious food for all. This workshop is open to all and we encourage everyone to attend. For anybody interested in international volunteering, our meetups offer a casual space to learn about VSI and our volunteer opportunities and to meet like-minded people. Find out more here.
(3) Irish Network for Education Worldwide: Tools to Negotiate Education Financing in 2025 - 30 January
INEW will host an online seminar "Tools to Negotiate Education Financing in 2025" on Thursday, 30th January, 12.30pm to 2pm. 2025 marks a critical year for securing the financial foundations needed to deliver quality education for all worldwide, with the 4th International Conference on Financing for Development, the launch of negotiations on the UN Tax Convention, and the replenishment of the Global Partnership for Education on the horizon. Marking the International Day of Education celebrated on 24th January, the event will feature global experts introducing these decisive negotiation milestones and discussing key actions to prepare. Find out more and register here.
(1) Trócaire: Vacancies in Ireland and Internationally
Trócaire is currently advertising vacancies for various roles in a number of countries. Find out more and apply here. Various closing dates apply.
(2) Oxfam Ireland: Vacancies in Ireland and Internationally
Oxfam is currently advertising vacancies for various roles in a number of countries. Find out more and apply here. Various closing dates apply.
(3) Concern Worldwide: Vacancies in Ireland and Internationally
Concern Worldwide is currently advertising vacancies for various roles in Ireland and internationally. Find out more and apply here. Various closing dates apply.
(4) GOAL: Vacancies in Ireland and Internationally
GOAL is currently advertising vacancies for various roles in a number of countries. Find out more and apply here. Various closing dates apply.
(5) Irish Red Cross: Vacancies in Ireland and Internationally
The Irish Red Cross is currently advertising vacancies for various roles in a number of countries. Find out more and apply here. Various closing dates apply.
Migration Services Caseworker
The casework role for the Irish Red Cross encompasses a variety of services including, but not limited to, the Ukraine Pledge Accommodation programme, IRPP mandated resettlement and the Gaza Minors Medical Initiative. The Irish Red Cross is tasked under its mandate as auxiliary to the Irish Government to co-ordinate offers of support from the Irish Public, to support the placement of refugees into suitable accommodation and to support the social integration of refugees at community level. The Migration Services Casework team utilises and manages publicly pledged properties in Ireland for refugees in an efficient manner, to the benefit of refugees who are Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection or Programme Refugees, and in support of Pledgers and Hosts. Find out more here. Closing date: 26 January
(6) NYCI: Global Citizenship Education / Global Youth Work Project Officer - 29 January
The National Youth Council of Ireland’s Global Youth Work team wishes to recruit a Project Officer: Global Youth Work. This new role requires training experience and understanding of Global Citizenship Education, Global Youth Work Policy, and Global Issues. It also requires experience of using monitoring and evaluation tools. Does this sound like you? If yes, please consider working with us. Find out more here. Closing date: 29 January
(7) World Vision Ireland: Fundraising Manager - 31 January
World Vision Ireland is seeking a dynamic Fundraising Manager to play a key role in driving the organisation’s growth and sustainability. This important position will be responsible for expanding the donor base and securing a thriving future for the organisation. The successful candidate will have an acute attention to detail and will have exceptional organising skills. This is a fantastic opportunity to join World Vision Ireland at a time of ambitious growth and investment. Find out more here. Closing date: 31 January
(8) Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS): Project and Outreach Support Worker - 31 January
The Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) is an international NGO with a mission is to accompany, to serve and to
advocate the cause of refugees and forcibly displaced persons. The Projects and Outreach Support Worker role is a full-time role based in Galway. Travel throughout Ireland required. Initial contract is for 24 months. Competitive Salary Package (commensurate with experience). Application pack available, by request, from CVs / Cover Letters not accepted. JRS Ireland is an equal opportunities employer. Closing date: 31 January
(9) Médecins Sans Frontières: Supporter Services Assistant - 2 February
The Supporter Services Assistant is an essential member of the fundraising team supporting MSF’s Fundraising strategy to ensure all donation processing and fundraising support is provided to ensure excellent delivery of supporter care. This important role will be the first point of contact with many donors, improving on donor experience, managing the administration of the donation process,s and creating supporter care content and materials. The successful candidate will have excellent interpersonal skills, administrative experience, and the ability to work supportively and effectively within and across teams. Find out more here. Closing date: 2 February
Calls for Tender
(1) A Partnership with Africa (APA): Open Tender for Communication Services - 24 January
A Partnership with Africa (APA) is seeking to engage a communications agency to work with its GCE coordinator on the EU-DEAR funded project: ‘It’s Global education Time – From school curricula to youth actions for sustainable development. The agency will be required to provide the professional services associated with the design, implementation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of a communications and engagement campaign for the project from February 2025-June 2027. Find out more here. Closing date for submissions: 24 January
(2) Christian Aid: Multiple Opportunities
Consultancy for Paper on Advancing Implementation of the Youth, Peace and Security (YPS) Agenda in Practice - 29 January
This research aims to explore how states have implemented the YPS agenda, focusing on the prioritization and progress of these frameworks, advances in progress, and opportunities for the future. The paper will explore how far the YPS agenda has been integrated into national, regional, and global peace and security policies, assessing the challenges faced and the gaps in implementation. The study will also explore the reasons for this, and reflect the testimony of youth-led civil society organisations. This consultancy is for an 8 week duration with the location being flexible. Find out more here. Closing date: 29 January
Consultancy for Research Paper on Advancing Women's Leadership despite gendered impacts of Climate Change and Conflict - 29 January
The consultant will develop research that explores some of the existing policy choices, to identify and propose responses including improved local capacity to deal with climate impacts, strengthened local governance and conflict mediation, equal access to resources, residence programs and shock responsive social protection, to reduce root causes of conflict which may be exacerbated by climate change in a manner that reflects the lived experience of communities, particularly vulnerable and marginalised women, to address their needs. The work will leverage existing Christian Aid projects and partners work to bolster case studies, alongside other sources of evidence including published papers and new insights relating to the wider context of the case studies. Find out more here. Closing date: 29 January
(3) Concern Worldwide: Global Citizenship Programme Evaluation and Review 2025 - 30 January
Concern is seeking a consultant to evaluate this programme and provide guidance to continually strengthen Concern’s GC work. The programme is guided by the GCE strategy which was developed in 2023. The purpose of Concern’s Global Citizenship work is to engage with a diverse range of communities across the Island of Ireland to develop their understanding of the root causes of global challenges and support them to participate in personal and collective action to contribute to a better world for all. Find out more here. Closing date: 30 January
(4) Irish Rule of Law International (IRLI): Consultant to conduct Organisational Review - 14 February
IRLI is seeking support from experienced consultants for an organisational review, specifically to provide an evaluation of the most recent organisational review and strategic plan. The consultant should also provide an updated strategic plan, including purpose, vision and mission, brand identity, communications strategy and fundraising strategy, amongst others. Find out more here. Closing date for submissions: 14 February.
(5) Edmund Rice Development: Consultant to support Disability Inclusion and Mainstreaming project - 17 February
Edmund Rice Mission is seeking a consultant to support a Disability Inclusion and Mainstreaming project who will need to deliver a report on Disability Inclusion and Mainstreaming in ER Mission, a guide to Disability Inclusion and Mainstreaming for ER development projects, and a Disability Inclusion and Mainstreaming Training programme. Find out more here. Closing date for submissions is Monday 17 February.
(1) Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF): Major Gifts Intern - 31 January
This is a great opportunity to be part of an experienced fundraising team and gain insights into relationship fundraising, the work of MSF and current topics in the humanitarian sector. During the internship with MSF, you will have access to relevant in-house training and development opportunities. Most importantly, as a member of the fundraising team, the work will contribute to the achievement of MSF’s objectives in Ireland, and support MSF’s work around the world. Find out more here. Closing date: 31 January
Courses and Training
(1) Emergency Logistics Team: Multiple events
Introductory Cert in Procurement & Logistics- Humanitarian Context Endorsed by CILT International as a recognized CPD programme - 13 February
This is an intensive 4-day course that introduces participants to the key areas of the Supply Chain in a Humanitarian and/or Emergency response context. The scenarios discussed during the four days are all based on real events that have occurred in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Ukraine, South Sudan and elsewhere. Find out more here. Registration deadline is 13 February
Introduction to Protection & Safeguarding in Logistics Principles - 23 February
This course was specifically developed to introduce participants to the Protection Principles within Logistics and expand their understanding of a humanitarian logistics response from a Protection & Safeguarding perspective and brings the expertise of many individuals who have worked on numerous humanitarian emergencies. Find out more information here. Registration deadline 23 February
Watch and Listen
(1) Irish Rule of Law International (IRLI): Horsehair Wigs Podcast: A Heartfelt Tribute to James Douglas
IRLI concluded their 2024 Horsehair Wigs podcast series with a personal and professional tribute to former Executive Director of the organisation – international criminal and human rights lawyer James Douglas, who sadly died in August. James’ best friend and fellow human rights lawyer Pat de Brún reflects on James’ life and work. Pat is Head of Big Tech Accountability and Deputy Director of Amnesty Tech at Amnesty International. James joined IRLI in October 2020 and worked as Director of Programmes and also served as Executive Director. Listen to the podcast here.
Other News
(1) Centre for Global Education: Calls for Contributors
My 500 on "The Future of Development Education" - 14 February
The Centre for Global Education’s bi-annual, peer reviewed, open access journal Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review celebrates its twentieth anniversary in 2025. To mark this important milestone for the journal, the Centre for Global Education is extending a special Call for Contributors to invite 500-word articles on “The Future of Development Education”. All of the submissions deemed publishable by the editorial team will be collated into a single document that will be published in the Viewpoint section in Issue 40 of Policy and Practice. Issue 40 will be published in Spring 2025 and the deadline for this call is 5.00pm on Friday, 14 February 2025. Find out more here.
Policy and Practice Call for Contributors Issue 41: Development Education and Hope - 7 April
The Centre for Global Education invites contributions to Issue 41 of our bi-annual, peer reviewed and open access journal, Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review, which is on the theme ‘Development Education and Hope’. Authors interested in contributing an article to this issue should send a 300-word abstract to the editor by Monday, 7 April 2025. The deadline for commissioned articles is Friday, 4 July 2025. Find out more here.