Pre-Budget Submission & Budget Response

No Time To Lose: A call to action on Conflict, Hunger and Climate

Budget 2025 is a “missed opportunity” to support the furthest left behind

Those who are facing the gravest humanitarian crises in the world and the worst effects of food insecurity and conflict have been left behind by today’s budget.

Dóchas, the Irish network for international development and humanitarian organisations,  is disappointed that there is no additional funding in today’s budget for development and humanitarian assistance; and this is a missed opportunity to support those who are furthest behind. We are moving further away from reaching our target of spending 0.7% of GNI on ODA spent overseas. 

Speaking following the Budget announcement, Dóchas CEO Jane-Ann McKenna said: 

‘Whilst we welcome €45m which will be allocated to climate finance, this does not go far enough. 
At a time when there are devastating humanitarian crises in Sudan and Gaza, and areas of the Sahel and Southern Africa are beset by food insecurity, flooding and conflict, we need Ireland to uphold its commitment to reach 0.7% on ODA. Today’s announcement does not put us on course to achieve this. Despite recent statements at UNGA - where Ireland has called on member states to act with urgency on the SDGs, as progress falters - we are yet to see Ireland deliver on its promise. Today’s budget was a missed opportunity to deliver on that. 
Ireland rightly enjoys a reputation as a champion of overseas aid for the most vulnerable people, the poorest and those left furthest behind. But we are not going in the right direction in translating words into action, and increasing our funding. 
Ireland has the means to give more, and it is disappointing that the Government chose not to invest more strongly in overseas development aid, something which 76% of Irish people support, according to research.'

Pre-Budget Submission 

Budget 2025 will be the last opportunity for this Government, and this Oireachtas, to set a course to realise Ireland’s international commitments for a better, more peaceful and sustainable world.

We need to accelerate progress to reach our commitment of spending 0.7% of our GNI on Official Development Assistance (ODA) by 2030.

We are calling on the Government to commit to taking ambitious, accelerated and transformative action to address food insecurity, tackle the climate emergency and end structural inequality.

We must ensure that our funding is targeted at the real changemakers – civil society organisations, local actors and women’s organisations, who work on the frontlines of response and are best placed to deliver effective support to those most in need.

Efforts must be made to ensure that they can operate in an environment where they can succeed. Without deliberate global policies to accelerate progress, at least 492 million people will be left in extreme poverty by 2030.

Recommendations for the Irish Government in Budget 2025:
• Make real progress to realising the commitment to spend 0.7% of GNI on ODA by 2030 by increasing the ODA budget in 2025 by €292m and publish a pathway to achieve this.
• Deliver on our commitment of €225m per annum of climate finance at a minimum and set a pathway to increase this allocation to Ireland’s actual 'fair share' of €500m per year.
• Ensure that 25% of all Irish ODA is allocated to locally-led humanitarian, development and peace initiatives that can deliver support directly to affected populations. 

Download the Dóchas Pre-Budget submission 2025 here.

Front cover image -  Pakistan: Women on their way home carrying drinking water on their heads. Photo: Ingenious Captures/Concern Worldwide


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